Cheap Apologies: Say Nothing to No One

SoSorry is a ‘create your own apology’ service where you can build custom apologies to fit your pr needs. Easily generate the perfect apologist and statement to gain the most online engagement for your apology. Our service is a sure fire way to stay relevant and revitalize any social media growth plateau. 

Apologies have become so frequent and templatized. This project questions the sentimental and action based authenticity of ‘apologizing’. Through music, trend following, and short form content ‘Cheap Apologies: Saying Nothing to No One’ utilizes social media formats to capture the essence of template apologies: performative remorse, a new entertainment genre, a PR tactic, and how unconsidered repetition can end in nothingness. Each issued apology, no matter how custom, serves as an absurdist atonement that disregards who issues the concession as long as it gains attention and someone consumes it.

Influencer Text generated by ML via text data taken from youtube apology videos.


Apology Experiments: What are new ways we can consume these boilerplate apologies?

Apology Formats: Why have we accepted these styles as appropriate or boilerplate?

Youtube Apologies_wk6 (1).png

Apologetic Expressions: How do we express emotions to show remorse?

Audience & Feedback : How do we as audience members choose to engage?

a ENTERTAINMENT GENRE : how do we perceive apologies when it produces revenue?